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Gong Fu bamboo tea tray small medium large size
Material |
Bamboo |
Dimensions |
40x28x6.5cm |
Customized Option |
Yes |
If you are regularly serving just one or two people, we recommend that you get the Small size, but if you tend to serve three or more, the medium should suit you very well.The large one just so fancy and worth to have it!
In order to make sure that you get the best quality tea tray, we make sure to test each one out for water retainability before we send them out. If your tray does develop a leak, however, please be sure to contact us!
If we have not ordered goods in our warehouse for quick delivery to customers, then this case we deliver goods anywhere in EU-countries fixed bridge areas on average twice a month
on the 15-16 and the 29-30 dates after you receive our confirmation for your order.
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